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Laos is a wonderful country that is extremely fiendly, beautiful and tranquil. While the infrastructure in the country is poor though, it is not really easy to acsess the more remote areas. Laos have a lot to offer for every visitor, but I can assure you that if you try just a little bit harder you will get a whole new experience! The trick is to use your feet! Walking a day or two will get you not only blisters, but also a lifetime experience.

After doing some walking on your own you will soon get a pleasant surprise. You are the only westerner around!* Only Laos and you. And the curious, friendly people in the villages will be very surprised to meet a pale Swede entering their village on his own and by foot. Walking the mountain roads of Laos is probably one of the most exciting and revarding projects I have realized.

*All the other foreigners are doing the "Waterfall walk" or the "Elephant trek" outside Luang Prabang for 50 USD each, together with a local guide who is speaking American accent and 15 other tourists all carrying Moleskine notebooks and going "Awesome" all day long.

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